A Pier Worth Peering FromI've titled this post "Potpourri" as it's a mix of things because the weather has been so "touristy" lately, meaning clear skies and warm days. Great for tourists, terrible for photographers. So when I read a weather report that shows some interesting things happening, I try to be there but that is not happening with much frequency.
The above photo is from the north east side of Clear Lake looking at Mt. Konocti in the distance. On my way home from work in the Napa Valley which was completely cloudless with lots of haze, I started to see cloud patterns as I entered Lake County.
I drove around the opposite side of the lake as to where I live at the suggestion of a friend, looking for a particular road that would take me way up to a grand overlook of the lake. Well, typically me, I could not find the road but was able to find this wonderful view off this pier.
The View From Up Here
The Spattered Skyto view larger click here Again searching the weather reports showed there was possible thunderstorms happening at Table Rock which is at the north end of Napa County. It is the hike in the opposite direction of the Mt. St. Helena area. I was going to go Sunday late afternoon as I had read there was going to be scattered clouds but then mid-day Saturday the weatherman said there was the possibility of thunderstorms on Saturday!! I thought it strange as there was nothing happening around there, just at Table Rock.
I got there about 4:30pm hoping to get a few good sunset shots. It is an approx. 5mi round trip hike and by the time I got to the overlook it was obvious there was not going to be any thunderstorm. Clouds started coming in but stayed to the south which is the view direction of the two photos above.
I stayed as long as I dared and it was a good thing I left when I did as the last half mile I was waking in pitch black. I only see a faint glow of yellow leaves on the main trail and then had to resort to my mini flash light that holds one AAA battery and has one LED bulb. Surprisingly it was pretty bright. I was glad I remembered it as at one point I shut it off and it was so dark, if I had forgot the light, I would have had to just find a place to sit down spend the night as I could not see anything.
The Weeping WallSince the skies have not been so great, I went back to Socrates Falls where I did not need any skies to get a good photo. The creek was still running but a little less than usual. Check out Jeff's new Economic Stimulus Package !! Have you ever thought "man, I want one of Jeff's photos but he charges too much #%$@# money"? Well click on the "Buy" button of any photo on my site www.jefftangenphoto.com and see the new prices. Some more than 50% off what they were.