Sunday, April 12, 2009

Rector Ridge Trail

Storm Breaker

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Lupine on the Incline

Rector Ridge is in the middle of Napa Valley on the east side of Silverado Trail across from Paraduxx Winery. The trail starts off pretty easy but then gets real steep real fast as you can see from the photo above.

The wildflowers were out in abundance but as I started this hike about 5:30pm they had already started to fold up for a nights rest. The grass was fairly high but because of the rain the last few days, there were no ticks. Not even one!! I'm reminded of favorite campfire song:(to be sung in your best Neil Sedaka voice)

"There ain't no ticks on me. There ain't no ticks on me. There may be ticks on some of you chicks, but there ain't no ticks on me" (I could never figure out why that song never went over with the girls)

Once you make it to the top, the trail splits in two with the left taking you to overlook Napa Valley and the right taking you to overlooking Rector Reservoir and continues on for a few miles. I did not have time to explore the Reservoir or continue much on the rest of the trail, just stuck to where I could see the valley.

8 photos uploaded from this outing.

Until next time, be good and "Watch the Light"