The waves were particularly strong today. This shot is called "Boom" because that's exactly what it sounded like when the wave hit the rocks. The shot is directly across the small bay in front of the town of Mendocino which you can see in the background.
The strength of the water was reinforced about an hour later. I was eating a hamburger in a local cafe (again, one of those bldg's in the background) when what sounded like an air raid siren went off. That was shortly followed by normal ambulance/fire truck sirens. When I finished, I made my way out to the street and could see people lined up on the bluff looking into the water with a helicopter, rescue boat and two rescue jet ski's which you can see in the photo below. A man and his family were walking at the edge of the bluff. He saw some rocks on a lower ledge and tried to climb down for a closer look but slipped and fell into the water.
At my car I put on my long lens and tried to walk out to where most of the people were but emergency personnel would not let me pass. I went around another way and took some photos of the scene. At the time of the photo below it was still a "Search and Rescue" situation but still one week later and no body has been found. Apparently he had his twin 18yr old sons with him who got into a scuffle with deputies and rescuers as they felt things were not being done quick enough. One of the deputies tasered one of the twins. There is a Youtube video of it. Very sad. It was surreal to see the water and the rescuers and know that there was a man losing his life in that water.

Quest for Fire - Lake County
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This is a shot of a sunrise at Detert Reservoir which is across from the Lilly Langtry Winery (formerly Guenoc).
As I got out my camera and mounted it on the tripod, I tried to pull the tripod head into the horizontal position and the clamping mechanism broke!! Normally I would need a tripod for this kind of shot as the shutter would be slow due to the low light. I had to hand hold this shot steadying my hands on the tripod with the camera's "Sensor Stabilisation" setting enabled. I call it "Quest for Fire" as it really is a quest to find this type of cloud action at sunrise or set.
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