Only 100 More There are a total of 300 steps going down to the lighthouse. It was fairly easy going down but coming back up was another story. They had resting stations along the way. Did I use them? Is Arnold Schwarzenegger a "Girly Man"? By the time I got to the top I was wishing my lungs were twice their size.
Pt. Reyes Lighthouse When I got to Pt. Reyes I went straight to the lighthouse and was glad I did. On the way over, the radio said there was going to be very strong winds and there certainly was. The shadows from the clouds and patchy fog on the way over were traveling across the ground so fast it looked like shadows from low flying aircraft. I was only able to stay about 1/2 hour here and right after taking this shot they yelled for everyone to leave as they were shutting down the lighthouse area as the winds had now gotten over 40mph. Fortunately I had a wind break here to set up my tripod. The sky was changing by the moment from completely fogged over to the break with nice clouds that you see here. A sign said the highest recorded wind here was 133mph !!! It was tricky climbing back up the 300 steps in that wind as with my backpack on, I was blown back and forth against the railing all the way up.
This lighthouse is not tall like most and that is because the fog stays relatively low so they needed to get the lighthouse below that so ships can see it. That's the reason for the 300 steps also.
At Trails End
McClures Beach After leaving the lighthouse area the wind was still strong but not as much and even here along the creek emptying out at McClures beach the wind was almost nonexistent. The ravine along the creek and trail was almost completely covered with wonderful yellow lupine. I took some photos along the trail but the sunlight was pretty harsh at that direction.
The Sand, The Tree & The Sea
McClures Beach The trail empties out to the ocean at McClures Beach. I really liked the patterns and colors of the sand as well as the combination/mix of fresh water and salt water plants and birds. I don't think this area is quite large enough to be called an Estuary but it certainly had the plant and animal life of one.
Monument To Memories Past
McClures Beach
(to see these images in gallery click here) Not sure who or for what reason this was set up but I liked the combination of items here and how it really did make me think how I need to remember these places that I come across. I tried to give this the dreamy effect of a memory.
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