Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Socrates Falls - Revisited

Socrates Falls - 5th Fall

Socrates Falls - 4th Fall
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Had some nice filtered light this day so I thought I would revisit the falls. The trail to the falls has gotten worse since last year. Much more loose gravel. Especially the trail leading to the 5th fall where you are walking laterally across an approx 70% slope and your 1' wide foot path is slightly sloped and pretty much nothing but loose gravel. Fortunately it was not that long of a trail.

When I got down to the 5th and lowest fall a helicopter came over the area and hovered for a moment. There was one other car at the clearing up top where people park so I wondered if perhaps someone got hurt. The helicopter moved on and did not return. Hmmm.........these falls are up by the Geysers where there's lots of seismic activity and ...................you know what? None if the above really happened. What happened was there was a very strong but pinpoint earthquake which only I felt and a wall of lava came down the falls and the helicopter pulled me up on the rescue ladder just as my tripod and camera burst into flames and disappeared into the lava flow. Yeah, that's what happened. That's my story and I'm sticking to it!!

If life was only half that exciting.

Stay tuned next time for more highly embellished photo excitement.

1 comment:

Kit DeCantii said...

hahahaha... can't wait for the book!