Monday, February 21, 2011

Near and Far - Part Three

Hello everyone !! This is a fairly large post as I've had some images waiting to post and then some new ones. As with the previous two Near and Far posts we are starting off with things in and around my home stomping grounds.

View from the Bridge

This is from the small foot bridge across a "secret" creek in the Archer Taylor Preserve of Napa County. Click HERE to purchase or see larger in gallery

Golden Light

Autumn sunset in the Oakville district of Napa Valley
click HERE to purchase or view larger in gallery

Below is from Anderson Creek and Socrates Falls area in Lake County. We had some freakish snow storms so I took advantage as I don't have very many snow shots.

Winter Creek

This is Anderson Creek and is between the 1st and 2nd falls of the Socrates falls area.


The 2nd falls of Socrates Falls area. After power was restored to my area and I was able to get my car out of the garage (detached garage and I lazily keep forgetting to put rope on the emergency lever as there was no power I could not open the door) I went through the Cobb Mountain area on a "closed road" in which the PG & E crew gave me the OK. I past many abandoned vehicles and downed power lines. Once here I had to hike down the ravine to the creek in about a foot of snow. A foot of snow in our area is quite a bit. Click HERE to purchase or see larger in gallery

Winter Wonderland

The above shot was right after I got my car out of the garage and when up around the corner from my house. The storm had a wonderful break here with great clouds but soon started snowing again. Click HERE to purchase or see larger in galley.

Pier 39 and Chinese Junk

Having dropped someone off at the airport, I went to Pier 39 in San Francisco as I wanted to see large format photographer Rodney Lough Jr's gallery (a must see if you are in the area). As I left the gallery I went to the end of the pier and saw this Chinese Junk ship going back and forth. This is a panorama made from 7 vertical shots. This was the 2nd day of the 2010 World Series "Go Giants".

And now for some shots farther away from my area..........

The following shots are from Bandon Beach on the Oregon coast.

A Room with a View

I initially was up close to the rock formation in the center of the image. Since this was my first day here and I was not in the mood to get wet (yet), I quickly backed up into this cave when a wave that would have gone over my rubber boots came up. As the wave went back out, I looked around in cave and said "this is my shot" !!

Sunset Pinnacle

One of the many rock formations at Bandon. There is usually a resident seagull that sits on the very tip but he was not there for this shot.

Bandon Sunset

Monoliths in Blue

Stone Seal

For the above shot the sky was not very colorful so I decided to concentrate on a long exposure to get the water to have a misty effect. The rock formation reminds me of a seal looking straight up.

Giant Steps

These rock formations are very large. The white "bathtub ring" at the bottom of the first rock is probably chest high on me. To get this view point I climbed up another rock about 1 and a half times higher. This first rock reminds me of a giant shoe, hence Giant Steps. Can't wait to return here again. click HERE to see all the Bandon photos larger in gallery.

I hope you enjoyed this series of shots. I love to hear from people so please feel free to comment on this blog or in any of the galleries on my website. Until next time, wish me drama in the skies and awesome light.

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